This is a summarized version of the terms of service, the complete version will be send to you with your quotation.
All the personal data you provide is confidential. It will only be used to provide the service I offer and will not be transferred to a third party.
The photograph you provide will only be used to make the requested portrait. The final outcome will be registered and archived. It will not be transferred to a third party.
For marketing purposes your tiling portrait may be used as a sample in the gallery of website or other media and social networks currently associated with the website and other that may be associated in the future, unless you state it explicitly in the request.
You can receive notifications about new products and services by subscribing in website.
The standard requestis a full colorportrait of one face, edited with the tile you choose. The format is 11 x 13 in /28 x 33 cm, printed on matte coated paper (250 g).
The plus requestis the same as the standard but with color change, chosenfrom the choices offered on the website.
The special request is any other request different from the standard and plus. Times of editing and charges will vary according to the picture provided, size and features of the requested work.
The digital request is any of the above mentioned, but it DOES NOT include a printed copy of the portrait. You will only get a digital file.
The time for editing, printing and delivering a standard and plus request is normally 7working days after youhavenotified by email or text message that the payment has been made.
Printed portrait services are only available within Mexico, for international orders only digital request are available.
All notifications will be made only by one of these options: email or messaging service. It is up to you to decide which one. I will notify:
If you do not agree with the request data, you may send another picture or modify the portrait at your convenience. However all this must be done BEFORE making the payment.
You can make changes to your request only once. It must be done by email or messaging service only.
You will make the payment once you have accepted the quotation and request data. The payment will be made by bank deposit or transfer within Mexico, for international orders please check out my Etsy shop:
You will receive the bank account data along with the quotation. Once the payment has been made, you must notify me with an email or messaging, attaching a proof of payment's copy.
If you choose Etsy’s services for the purchase, the payment method and delivery will be made as stated by the marketplace Etsy.
It is assumed that the picture or image provided in your portrait request to be edited with this technique belongs to you and is copyright free. If not so, you must inform in writing about the intellectual property of the picture and provide a written authorization to edit it. Otherwise, you assume total liability about unlawful use of the digital image provided to be edited with this technique and the outcome of the editing process.
The digital copy of the portrait can be printed as many times as you please. However I request acknowledge of Vibali's authorship.
You are entitled to use, print and distribute your portrait in social media, as long as it is for personal use. It is forbidden to use it fully or partially in order to commercialize, promote or profit from it. It is prohibited as well to claim for oneself or a third party the portrait's authorship, design, creation and editing.
Vibali trademark reserves the right to deny the tiling portrait service at its discretion or with offensive images.
By making the payment of the tiling portrait you agree with the quotation and accept the terms of service and conditions above mentioned. All that information will be provided by email or messaging service.